Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Giving Season

My lovely husband, Mr C, gave me a gorgeous pair of earrings for our anniversary.  They were exactly the right shape, size, colour and style.   He knows me so well!  I exclaimed with delight as I opened them "Oh I love them!!!". 

Isn't that what we all hope when we give a gift? That it is perfect for the recipient and that they will truly love it? That it will be used and cherished and not just become another piece of stuff to clutter up the home. So at ZURI, no gimmicky gifts - no foot spas, pie makers, slushie machines or milkshake makers.  No huge TVs, get fit equipment or plastic whatnots.  We do have lots of beautiful gifts for friends and relatives of all shapes, sizes and ages. 

Here are some of our favourites:
Eco decorations from Polli
Heat packs by Memi Designs

Gorgeous skin care from Myrtle & Moss
Lovely cushions by Bonnie & Neil

Cross stitch clock from Skulk of Foxes
Printspace prints

Wall words from Adorning Al

Christmas soaps from Skye's the Limit

Don't forget our annual Christmas Shopping Nights, where you can browse at your lesuire while you sip on bubbly and nibble on a mince pie. Have your gifts wrapped while you wait, or pick them up later.

Thursday 15th December at Katoomba 5-8 pm
Friday 16th December at Leura 5-8 pm
Saturday 17th December at Katoomba 3-7 pm