Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It is a wild and windy day today in the mountains. A day to snuggle in and enjoy the joys of mid-winter. Surprisingly, we've been very busy today in the shop, but chocolate, woollen tights and coffee are what the brave souls out on the street today have been buying. 
We love the raw, organic chocolate from Loving Earth, and their new range, sweetened with coconut sugar, is proving just as popular. Today feels like a day for the Organic Mild Chilli flavour.
With twice the antioxidants of conventional chocolate, you'll be glowing from within!

Last winter the cooking range from La Chamba was such a hit we've expanded our stock this winter.  This Fair Trade range from Colombia can be used on the stove top, in the oven, microwave and barbecue. Perfect for starting casseroles in the stove, then finishing in the oven, and beautiful enough to serve from on the table, every La Chamba piece is hand made by an adult indigenous artisan. The black micaceous clay from the Magdalena River is dusted with fine terracotta, polished with semi-precious stones and fired with herbs and mango leaves.

Unlike most glazed ceramics, La Chamba has a porous finish which allows slow evaporation of steam meaning that the cookware retains heat, moisture and flavour. 

And what is slow food cooked without your own produce. Winter seed varieties, including kale and kohl rabi are available now.

Also available in store, but not online, are a great range of BPA-free thermos and food flasks. These are two of my favourite designs.